Berisha-Meksi debate about Bank

13/09/2014 00:00

A series of accusations and counteraccusations started today between the
former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, and the member of the Supervisory
Council at the Bank of Albania, Ermelinda Meksi.

The former Prime minister writes that he has been told by sources at the Parliament, that the most secret file of the Bank of Albania was secretly handed over to the Parliament and photocopied. It has the codes and secrets of the vaults and safes where the precious coins, gold and banknotes are kept, together with their full inventory.

Berisha appeals the acting governor to ask reinforcements for the protection of the bank and of its objectives, and to quickly change the codes, the keys and the security system to protect the banking values of the Albanian people before they are attacked by the government gangs, according to Berisha.

Mrs.Meksi answered by calling it “a sick fantasy” and asked the Prime Minister if he saw the movie “Bank of Diamonds” and dreamt it today. Meksi explained that as member of the Supervisory Council she has no access about the data referred by the Prime Minister.

Meksi addressed the Prime Minister by telling him: “You want to provoke the public with your poison, by saying that the theft when Fullani was governor was nothing, because all this was only for taking the codes. This is the language of a person that can find an alibi only by a medical report”, Meksi declared.

Then she asked Governor Elisabeta Gjoni to explain to Mr.Berisha that the members of the Supervisory Council have no access to the Bank, where even for a meeting she has to be accompanied by someone, let alone getting to know the codes.

“The executive administrators are the only ones who know these things. Explain that to him so that he doesn’t lose any time with these crazy things”, Meksi commented.

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