Berisha: Honoring the people that sacrificed life

05/05/2012 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, accompanied by members of his
cabinet, paid homage to the Mother Albania monument for May 5th, the
Martyrs’ Day.

Berisha placed wreaths in this ceremony where there was present the Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, and the Mayor of Tirana, Lulzim Basha, together with high rank army officers.

Berisha declared for the media that the Albanians enjoy today the rights for which our martyrs fought.

“This is a day when words cannot express what the heart and soul feels. They fought for freedom and sacrificed everything, so that we can celebrate Albania’s independence. Their ideal was the freedom of our nation, and the Albanians are free today. They fought so that the Albanian lands could stay united, and the Albanian lands today are free and trying to unite in the European future that they deserve”, Berisha declared.

By reminding the anti-fascist war that involved thousands of Albanians, and the sufferings that followed with the establishment of the dictatorship, the Prime Minister added that “today we must bow with the deepest respect in front of those who sacrificed their lives and freedom. We express our deepest gratitude to them”.

The homage at the Martyrs’ cemetery were also held by the Socialist leader, accompanied by MPs of this party. After the homage, Rama gave his message in honor of the martyrs.

On behalf of the Socialist Moevment for Integration, the General Secretary of this party, Luan Rama, paid homage to the Martyrs’ Cemetery.

The Red and Black Alliance also visited the Martyrs’ Cemetery on their honor, where they placed an Albanian flag.

The RBA declared that the Albanian martyrs fought for their country, not for party colors.

“We are proud for the martyrs of our nation. We honor those who fought in the ethnic lands. They fought for their country, not for party interests”, declared Myslym Pashaj, activist of the RBA.

Veteranët: State has forgotten us

Yesterday, the Organization of the Anti-Fascist National Liberation Martyrs organized a ceremony for the May fifth.

The Chairman oft his organization, Gjergji Velo, commemorated the heroic contribution of the martyrs, and greeted their family members who were present in the activity.

Mr. Velo mentioned the state’s attention to the war symbols and martyrs’ cemeteries.

They presented their concern about the removal of a monument in Shkoder, the Misto Mame bust in Tirana and the removal of some names in the recent encyclopedia.

In these activities were present representatives of the Albanian President and the Socialist Party.

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