Berisha: Fullani’s arrest, a Stalinist act

12/09/2014 00:00

“The arrest of the Bank Governor is a stalinist act by the same police
state. I condemn it very harshly”, this is how Sali Berisha broke his
silence and that of the Democratic Party about the Fullani issue, after
his arrest one week ago.

Berisha said that every citizen who doesn’t share this opinion, must take in consideration some facts and circumstances.

“Those who will criticize this must think. How would you feel if you get arrested without being asked about your name? This cannot happen in a free country. This happens only in police states”, Berisha declared.

The other fact, according to the Prime Minister, is the Security Director of the Bank of Albania, who is responsible for everything that is related to the Bank’s security. He has been interrogated by the Prosecution only after the Governor has been arrested, and chances are he will not be taken as a defendant.

Although he tries to spare critics to the Prosecutor General, the former Prime Minister didn’t spare anything against Prime Minister Edi Rama.

“I asked for a thorough and complete investigation of everyone person in the Bank who is related to this ugly act. But I cannot accept a Stalinist action by the police. Arresting a Governor on political grudges, which were described on the book “Kurban” (referring to Rama’s book), arresting him for the fact that his wife was the judge in the trial when you denied your son, means that you are meaner than anyone”, Berisha declared.

The former Prime Minister was careful to not identify the Democratic Party with his stance. “These are my personal stances and certainly they do not reflect the stance of the Democratic Party”, Berisha declared.

In fact, the DP leader, Lulzim Basha, changed only the form of this reaction, but not the content. “These acts, created only for media consumption when they are against the Constitution and the Criminal Code, cannot happen without a political encouragement by Edi Rama and his oligarchs who want to capture Bank of Albania, as he has attempted to capture every other independent organ. When Fullani was chosen for a second mandate he said that he would fire him”, Basha declared.

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