The Albanian former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, waited for the
European Commission to recommend the status for the second time, before
reestablishing an uninterrupted contact with the media.
By guaranteeing that the Democratic Party in opposition will do everything possible for Albania to receive the status in December so that the negotiations can open, the former Prime Minister considered the progress report of Brussels a real and positive image of Albania, which, according to him, belies what Prime Minister Edi Rama says about a ruined Albania.
“Not only the will not starting everything from a budget pit, as ‘Mr.Pit’ is claiming, but on the contrary. They have a strong basis which needs to be improved and perfected”, Berisha declared.
Berisha held this press release with journalists while the majority was voting the normative act in Parliament, which postpones the civil employee law with six months. The opposition claims that besides being anticonstitutional, this action is leaving without protection the administration of historic reforms and of European progress.
“It is painful that this day, which should have been a day of compensation and gratitude for the administration, is the day when the Parliament is voting the law of the guillotine”, the former Prime Minister declared.
Due to this act that for Berisha is damaging the standards, he legitimized the opposition’s stance to boycott the Parliament.
But it seems that it will be only temporarily.
“This is not an Edi Rama style boycott. In 2009 Rama declared that he didn’t recognize the Parliament. We are not holding this position. We recognize the legitimacy of the Parliament, but we cannot accept these standards that are being established, because these are steps back from the European Union’s integration path”, Basha declared.
There is another government normative act that Berisha considers very dangerous for the Albanian people. This is the normative act that reviews the budget of this year, and that according to the Prime Minister brings Albania to an economic crisis.
“The third major act that he did with the decree of the crisis, because this is the decree that plunges the country in a crisis, is the cutting of 100 million USD of public investments. This is painful, because that means playing with jobs and the revenues. To fight crisis with a great speed, he is increasing debts with four times until the end of the year, and decreases the revenue expectancy with four times, not two billion per month, but eight billion per month. You see this battle for cash registers, which I have always called a crime industry. But there are 550 electronic machines. A terrible game is being made in economy. A corruption system is being installed very quickly”, Berisha declared.
The former Albanian Prime Minister declared that he will talk later about this and other government decisions, regardless of the official voice of the Democratic Party.
“I’m not here today to talk about the government, but that’s what I will do soon. I have resigned as a party leader, but not as Sali Berisha. I left the party leader in the party, but I will take Berisha with me. People should forget that things will happen otherwise”, declared the historic leader of the Albanian right wing.
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