Berisha didn’t answer for Pan-Albanian League

05/01/2013 20:00

In Kosovo there’s hope that the declarations of the Prime Minister, Sali
Berisha, for creating a Pan-National Football League will be followed
by tangible steps.

The Kosovo Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Memli Krasniqi, declared that this idea was discussed even earlier, but never became concrete.

“I trust that my homologue, Aldo Bumci, will take tangible steps. We need a proposition and then we could take the necessary steps in coordination with the respective federations, which are responsible for the organization of championships”, Krasniqi declared.

The Head of the Kosovo Football Federation, Fadil Vokrri, says that politics has its role, since federations can realize it within 24 hours if this will be allowed by FIFA, since KFF is not a member.

One of the oldest football clubs in Kosovo, FC Prishtina, asked to be part of the Superior League of Albania. The Albanian Football Federation Committee supported the idea, but in the decision they said that this must be seen from a wider angle not only legally, but also institutionally.

One day after Prime Minister Berisha’s declaration, the President of FC Prishtina, Remzi Ejupi, reminds that he had made such a request to the Albanian President, Bamir Topi, the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, and the Albanian Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, but he had never received an answer.

However, he values the initiative as good news and hopes that it will not remain only a political declaration.

“The declaration was wonderful. This is a historical moment, although the declaration was delayed. But this could also be political marketing, as the Shengjin Port and the Albanian passports. However, it would be wonderful if this would come true”, Ejupi declared.

According to him, a common league would be more attractive and would increase the rivalry between groups and the interest of football fans.

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