Berisha: “Cannabis owned by government”. Rama: “Congratulations for inspiring Hollywood”

15/09/2016 00:00

Tensions went high in today’s Parliamentary session when PM Rama
answered to former PM Berisha by reminding him of Gerdec and its
mentioning at the “War Dogs” movie.

“I want to congratulate you for the Hollywood success and I advise your lawyers to start demanding copyright payments”, Rama said.

MP Flamur Noka from the DP asked the PM to apologize for the vocabulary, but Rama answered by saying that you cannot censor Hollywood.

To answer the DP accusations that drug money were used to buy Dibra voters, Rama said that his opponents are grasping straws and rejected their claims that police reports from other countries are criticizing the government.

Rama mentioned the US State Department report, which says in three consequent reports, from 2013 to 2015, that Albania has progressed with the fight against drugs, while Guardia di Finanza in Italy says that the government has destroyed 96% of the surface that used to be planted with cannabis.

Berisha accused the government once again of turning into a real cannabis organization that is planting it around Albania, and of using that money to buy votes. He said that the pilot that had landed today in Lac, was under prosecution.

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