The justice reform history has shown that what was a priority for the
former Democrat Party leader, has turned into the priority of the
“For Sali Berisha, the Alfa and Omega of the justice reform is the National Bureau of Investigation or the Anti-Corruption Unit”, Berisha said in an interview for Top Channel.
After the final opinion of the Venice Commission was not expressed in favor of 11 requests from the opposition, the democrats will condition the debate on two issues, and one of them is the National Bureau of Investigation. Sali Berisha explains why he thinks that the voting should be before the reform.
“The justice reform has 70 amends and 40 laws. The international experts said it takes 2-3 years to get implemented. If the amends and the vertical law of the anti-corruption unit is voted within 2-3 weeks, it might start working within 2-3 months”, Berisha declared.
Another issue is what the democrats define as capturing of the justice system from the government. Is qualified majority the only solution?
“It doesn’t mean only qualified majority. There are several ways and this is the problem. There is always more than one solution for any matter”, the former Prime Minister declared.
No solution had been found so far for any matter. Are there any chances that the reform will not be approved?
“I cannot make predictions, because it depends on the stance held by Edi Rama for the National Bureau of Investigation, as compared to the variant brought by the Commission of Venice”, Berisha said.
But if the reform fails, will Berisha agree with Rama for early elections?
“Not without the reform. No elections with Edi Rama as a Prime Minister, who doesn’t want elections even in his own party. I guarantee Albanians that their votes have never been most endangered”, Berisha declared.
Top Channel