Berisha-Brace dispute blocks Parliament, DP: “MP must be punished”

07/04/2016 17:00

The meeting of the Parliamentary Bureau did not calm down the situation
between the majority and the opposition after the tensions followed by
offenses and even physical attacks.

The Democratic Party vice leader of the Parliamentary Bureau, Edmond Spaho, asked measures against Erjon Brace for offending MPs. He accused the majority of implementing double standards as regards the implementation of the Parliament’s regulation.

“The Bureau did not take any decision and the majority applied a double standard in interpreting the regulation. No measure was taken against MP Brace, who had an arrogant stance. The stance of the opposition does not fall against what was foreseen by the regulation against Brace”, Spaho said.

The Democratic Party said that Erion Brace should be suspended for 10 days. The Socialist Party requested the same punishment for Sali Berisha, Arben Ristani and Roland Keta.

The majority has requested more time to discuss the opposition’s request. The request will be reviewed in the next meeting of the Bureau.

In these conditions, with the starting of the plenary session, the Parliament Speaker postponed it for another date.

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