During the government meeting, Prime Minister Berisha dedicated most of his speech to the domestic agricultural production growth, which,
according to Agriculture Ministry statistics, had a considerable
increase in the first 6 months of this year.
But for Prime Minister Berisha, a more important fact is that a great part of this production growth comes from the export of agricultural goods, which is 31% higher, compared to last year’s first semester. Berisha considers agricultural production a major national project for increasing Albania’s wellbeing.
“The growth of agricultural goods production has a great importance for balancing the trade of our country. It has a great importance, because 50% of the population lives in rural areas. We must make all that is possible to encourage them to multiply their revenues, to make a rational and effective use of the small amount of fertile lands that we have. We must encourage them to use more mountainous areas for nut trees, medical plants, olive groves and other cultures. The Agriculture Ministry must take in consideration that we are the country with the least agricultural land per capita in Europe, 1800 square meters per capita”, Berisha declared.
Berisha noted another positive effect, besides the effect of the export growth in our economy. He added that the increase of exported vegetables, which makes the country’s top list of agricultural exported goods, with a volume that is 2.6 times higher, is undeniable evidence of the right policy pursued by the government to subsidize greenhouses.
This policy that according to the Prime Minister needs not only to be consolidated, but also to further expand with medical or aromatic plants, which have a safe and expensive international market.
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