Berisha blames Rama in Brussels

13/12/2012 18:20

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, held a speech in front of the
European Popular Parties in Brussels, where he accused the opposition
for the failed EU candidate status.

valuing the Commission’s report for Albania, Berisha reiterated that the three laws that were requires for the status were withheld from the opposition leader.

“The European Commission gave a positive report for Albania. EC conditioned the final recommendation with the passing of the three laws that are being withheld by the opposition leader”, Berisha declared.

However, Berisha is convinced that in the next elections, which are considered a vital test for the European future, the Albanians will give the deserved answer to the opposition.

“The Albanians have the power and potential to bring down every wall. The Democratic Party is determined to continue with its project ‘Let’s unite with each other, let’s unite with Europe’”, Berisha declared.

The Albanian majority leader added that he has been guaranteed by the EU Popular Parties for reviewing this blockage.

The main topic of the EPP summit was the creation of a Banking Union for further Eurozone integration. No discussions will be held by the Heads of States for enlargement, besides the formal approval of the conclusions on the second day of the summit.

Status, debates in Parliament

Albania’s two main political parties continued accusing each other for the EU candidate status failure.

The Chairman of the Integration Commission, Ditmir Bushati, and the Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, had a harsh discussion with each other.

“What evidence are you bringing for the fight against high level corruption? What have you done against the organized crime? The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, declared in Tirana that the crime is a danger for Albania. Did she say that for the opposition too”, Bushati declared.

“All you do is lying. You can’t be the chairman of the Integration Commission. If I was you I would resign and go home”, Topalli answered.

Another Socialist MP, Sajmir Tahiri, presented some hypotheses that according to him show why the Parliament Speaker did not vote in favour of Adriatic Lalla.

“The name is related with her adviser that made corruption as Jozefina’s adviser, being a member of the HCJ and the CEC. She made corruption with the Parliament’s tender, and Mr. Lalla has found this violation and fined her, that’s why Mrs. Topalli didn’t vote for him. Corruption has a name”, Tahiri declared.

Bregu: Failed because of Rama’s blockage

The Minister of Integration, Majlinda Bregu, accused the opposition and its leader for refusing the candidate status for the country.

“Commissioner Stefan Fule whom the opposition often refers to appealed the Albanian politics, and especially the opposition, to not relate the EU agenda with matters that have no relation with it, and not put the party agenda before the EU integration. The status was rejected because Rama blocked, and the qualified majority laws were not voted. The only strategy that is led by Rama, is that of destruction”, Bregu declared.

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