Berisha: Albania, magnet for investments

25/05/2012 10:30

“The Albanian business is among the most dynamic and most interesting
for EU partnership.” This was the message given by Prime Minister Sali
Berisha in the Integration meeting at the EU and the European Commission
for Business.

“It is a fact that the Albanian business can be integrated even further in the European practices. Being in one of the most damaged areas of the crisis, in the last four years we have recorded an economic growth that is three or four times higher than the other countries of the region, by identifying ourselves as a small China in Balkan. We don’t have China’s economic growth, but we have a structured and qualified working market, without a high cost, which makes it very attractive for investments”, the Prime Minister declared.

Referring to his last visit in Italy, Berisha added that: “I received the best evaluations from the Italian businessmen who operate in our working market. However, in the globalization époque, I appeal the government and businesses to find new profit codes, bringing the employee-business relationships in a better level”.

Referring to the EU ambassador in Albania, Ettore Sequi, Berisha asked Brussels to focus more of their aids on agriculture.

“Our farmers have doubled the vegetable exports in four years, giving an important contribution in the Albanian export indicator. However, with 44% of the population in rural areas, Albania still needs infrastructure investments, which have been almost medieval in the nineties. Despite the economic growth in the production and life quality, the Albanian farmers are unable to compete with the European farmers, hence it is necessary for the EU to focus on the Albanian agriculture some of the funds that they have granted to our country”.

Rama: Corruption is the business’ problem

The opposition leader answered through Twitter to the Prime Minister’s promise to reduce the fiscal burden towards business.

“The problem of the business is not the fiscal burden, but the corruption burden, the bribes, payoffs, references, the burden of the government”, Rama writes on his Twitter profile.

Answering to Berisha’s accusation that the opposition is fighting with the windmills for the tax system, Rama says that “the wind is taking away the Prime Minister’s mill, where he grinds his nonsense and our people’s assets”.

As for Berisha’s request to the EU for more funds in infrastructure, Rama underlined that this help comes after receiving the status, and he says that Berisha still doesn’t know this.

“The PM asked the EU for aid on agriculture? Doesn’t he know that this help comes after the status? Here is one reason why the status is burning for Jozefina and Ristani”, Rama declared.

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