Berisha: 100th anniversary, a major event

24/12/2012 00:00

In the meeting of the inter-ministerial committee of the 100th
anniversary, the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, valued this
event as one of the most historical for the Albanian people.

“This 100th anniversary was followed by hundreds of thousands of activities organized in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and the Diaspora to celebrate one century of independence. Hundreds of texts were published during this 100th anniversary, with the truths of this Albanian century”, Berisha declared.

The government leader stated that the Albanians were able to view the weapons of Skanderbeg and the first Albanian printed text, a Catholic Missal, written by Gjon Buzuku.

“We made serious efforts to produce coins with the Declaration of Independence and statues of the most famous men of our country”, Berisha declared.

But according to the Prime Minister, the greatest aspect of it was another thing:

“November 28th will me remembered not only as the day when the independence was declared, but also as the most powerful popular national movement in the history of this country. Tirana, Vlora and Albania have never experienced such a massive movement”, Berisha declared.

The Prime Minister declared that the committee for the 100th year of independence would keep working for three other months, in order to realize other important plans.

“The Spac museum must be build, in homage of the saddest part of our history. The student movement of December 1990 must have its own space. We must return the remains of Sami Frasheri in Albania, and the head of Ali Pasha from Istanbul”, Berisha declared.

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