Belgrade Summit, Rama visits Serbia once again

12/10/2016 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, arrived to Belgrade for the third time in two years.

The Albanian delegation landed half an hour late and headed to the hotel, while the situation in the city is calm and no much security forces are seen.

This is an important regional meeting, in which Balkan and EU leaders will discuss about security in the region.

PM Rama will make the opening of the summit and will meet with his counterpart, Alexandar Vucic, and the Presheva Albanians.

Politicians from this region will come to Belgrade to discuss their most important matters during this visit, and then the Albanian PM will head to the business forum in Nish.

During his stay in Serbia, Rama will also promote his book “Kurban”, but there will be no press release like during other visits.

he message of this visit will be about a more powerful regional cooperation, also requested by the USA and EU.

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