Begaj’s message to MPs at the start of the new parliamentary session: Main objective is EU membership, anti-crime and anti-corruption policies

02/09/2024 16:02

Today, Albanian President Bajram Begaj gave a message to the Parliament at the opening of the new session, where he emphasized the priorities of the country’s integration into the EU and the fight against corruption.

Among other things, he said:

“I would describe the new parliamentary session that opens today as one of hopes and expectations. We Albanians have shown that we know how to achieve results when we want and when we come together. Completing the legal framework for enabling the Diaspora to vote in the upcoming elections is a milestone and proof of our shared will and responsibility.

“In this new September, the parliamentary image and performance are both desired and necessary for our Assembly to be an inspiring arena of civic confrontation, where different voices are included in a fruitful dialogue.

“Dear MPs,

“The calendar of integration reforms is busy and the tasks before us are big and require continuous commitment. The Assembly should focus its legislative efforts on our main national objective: membership in the European Union.

“This requires the timely fulfillment of the legal measures included in the National European Integration Plan. Beyond it, and together with this plan, there are a series of other initiatives that must be researched and addressed by parliamentary committees and then by the Assembly itself. In this context, I bring to your attention the protection of the basic rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the need to improve the existing legislation.

Let me emphasize that legislative initiatives must be based on the real concerns of our citizens and in various sectors, such as: economy, health, justice, education, environment and social justice among others.

“An issue that has to do with European integration as well as with the development of the country, is the fight against corruption and organized crime, an element that is unfortunately turning into the constant refrain of every speech.

“Parliament must fully support justice reform, our justice institutions and law enforcement agencies, strengthening their financial, human and infrastructural capacities.

“I encourage the Assembly to promote the anti-crime and anti-corruption policy as a real confrontation with an evil that we must fight at every level and in every field of this phenomenon that is corrosive to the economy and threatening to democracy,” said Begaj.

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