The Public Health Institution, by order of the Health Ministry, monitored the beaches that are preferred by holiday makers.
The cleanest beaches for this year are Veliopja and Shengjin. Lab tests made by the Public Health Institution specialists showed that their waters are not polluted.
The water quality in Durres and Ura e Dajlanit has improved, but there are still some areas in Durres that should not be frequented.
“There are good improvements in the Ura e Dajlanit beach, after the construction of the water treatment station. Te problem here is the area where urban waters are poured, in Shkallnuer beach. People should avoid that area”, declared Valbona Bara, head of the water and health sector at the Public Health Institution.
Water in Golem also appeared to be dirty due to the pouring of sewage and urban waters.
“There is a high level of pollution at the Perroi I Agait, where the urbana nd sewage waters are poured, and also at Mali I Robit. People should stay far from these palces”, Bara declared.
The lab tests in Vlore show that the water is polluted in the old beach, while in Saranda it is clear.
“There is pollution at the Marina School, where urban waters are poured. Beaches after the Uji I Ftohte area are much cleaner, such as Dhermi, Saranda and Himara”, Bara added.
The only polluted area in Saranda is near the Cuka Canal. The Public Health Institution notes that private subjects have been showing more responsibility for their sewage waters and the water quality has improved in an overall level.
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