BDI intensifies meetings while Gruevski’s waiting deadline expires

28/01/2017 00:00

Ali Ahmeti, leader of BDI, (Democratic Union for Integration), the
biggest Albanian party in Macedonia, has intensified his meetings with
Gruevski, leader of the VMRO-DPMNE.

Unofficial sources say that not all BDI members support the coalition. Fatmir Dehari, Mayor of the Kercova municipality, met with EU Ambassador Samuel Zhgobar and said that he would prefer Gruevski as a rival, not a partner, due to his nationalistic rhetoric.

Dehari says that citizens’ welfare should be the main interest of all political parties.

EU Ambassador Zhbogar reiterated the stance of the international community, that Macedonai needs a government that is committed to implement the urgently needed reforms.

In the meantime, the opposition LSDM are hoping that Gruevski will be unable to form a coalition until the legal deadline, when they will then have the right to form it, as the second biggest party after the elections.

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