Thousands of Muslim devotees celebrate today the Eid al-Fitr, or Bayram.
The Main Boulevard in Tirana was filled today with muslim men and women
who according to the tradition, prayed for Bayram.
“I wish a happy Bayram to everyone who is here, to all the Albanian devotees, to all the Albanian citizens, to all Albanians outside the border, same as everyone wishes here for a happy continuance after Bayram, living and giving a good example as decent Muslims and citizens, so that we can face the challenges of time. May God guide us to the positive”, declared Ylli Gurra, the Mufti of Tirana.
Bayram comes 30 days after the Ramadan fasting, when the devotees eat only once in the morning and once in the evening, as a sacrifice that purifies the soul for the sins made during the year.
After 30 days of fasting, the devotees pray to God for more peace and bounty.
The celebration continues with a traditional dinner at home, where devotees invite their relatives to enjoy this important day for their religion.
The head of the Muslim Community in Albania, Haji Selim Muca, congratulated all the devotees for the celebration.
“I wish a happy Bayram to all Muslim devotees. Peace, love, happiness and harmony in your homes. May God bless the Albanian people and our country”, he declared.
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