The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, met with the youth forum of
the Democratic Party for the Day of Europe. Basha met them in the
Muriqan border checkpoint, in a square surrounded by buses which
symbolized the immigration of Albanians.
Basha said that Rama is an obstacle for integration, and that although the candidate status was given thanks to the Democratic Party, today there is no date for opening the membership negotiations, because, according to Basha, the Rama Meta duo has promoted people connected with crime.
“Giving power to incriminated traffickers is what forced our people to sell their dignity in the streets of Europe. People from the organized crime who were taken in Parliament. They spend 6000 EUR each month only to have them appear on TV four days a week. 4700 Albanians requested asylum during the past month, 1700 more than in March. The situation is getting worse”, Basha declared.
“11.200 Albanians have requested political asylum in the first three months of this year, but the real number is getting bigger. Albanians are seeing no hope besides going. My message to them is that the government should be the one to be going, with the vote of June 21st”.
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