Basha: “We will not give up, until victory”

03/04/2017 12:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared from the tent of
protesters today that more than 200.000 Albanians left the country due
to the poverty and lost jobs caused by the current government.

“People don’t pay fewer taxes. Energy is not cheaper  today. 200.000 Albanians left the country, and this speaks better than any politician or journalist. These are products of an impoverished Albania. Emigration and dropped economy are the daily drama”, Basha said.

“Everyone is losing with this government. They have closed 27.000 businesses every year”, the DP leader added.

Basha said that with the drug money, the narcotic mafia is buying lobbying in Europe and in America, in service of the old criminal republic.

“This is a government of criminals who will do everything possible to keep the power they have with crime. The only guarantee for winning this battle is staying united until victory. They will use slander and pressure to make us withdraw, but I will not withdraw without free and fair elections, and without a technical government”, Basha said. 

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