The Democratic Party reacted after the Parliament passed the new law for
the territorial reform. The DP leader, Lulzim Basha, declared that his
party doesn’t recognize this new division. He didn’t answer if the
opposition will boycott the local elections.
However, the first step of the opposition is sending the law at the Constitutional Court. Basha insinuated that after voting with this reform, the PJIU is not part of the opposition anymore.
“The reform turned into a map of the dark interests of Edi Rama, Ilir Meta and anyone else who was involved for crumbles in this farse. This is the sharing of the cake for the lands that the oligarchy of this majority dared to sell in public with the false tag of the territorial reform. They openly challenged friends and allies with low and even criminal bargains in Parliament, where the crime world decides for the majority, dictates the Prime Minister and is fed by the Prime Minister to vote anticonstitutional and anti-democratic reforms. The way how they made the numbers for this rare reform is a mafia way of thinking and acting. This is a black day for the Albanian democracy. The constitutional map of the Rama-Meta majority is unacceptable and will be never accepted. Now it is up to the independent institutions to say the last word, who are called once again in the challenge for the stability of the democratic system, in front of anti-constitutional activities of this temporary government. The last word comes from the citizens who have the right to point the accusation finger against the oligarchic government that refused to ask their opinion. The Constitution orders to ask them, rather than deciding for them”, Basha declared.
According to the Constitution and the Electoral Code, the next local elections will be held by the end of June, but the Democratic Party has no clear answer if the biggest opposition force will be part of the elections and if the new map will enter in effect.
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