The Democratic Party leader consulted the Albanian opposition plan for
the passing of the justice reform with the Deputy Secretary of State,
Victoria Nuland, who is the highest ranked personality in the meeting
agenda of Lulzim Basha in Washington.
Basha insisted that the National Bureau of Investigation should pass as the first paragraph of the justice reform, together with the constitutional and legal amends for the anti-corruption unit. He also requested that the rest of constitutional amends should pass in Parliament together with the respective laws.
“A government that has ruined consensus for three important laws, has lost the credibility in front of the opposition, the Albanian people and the international partners, because they are unable to respect the agreements reached so far. That’s why the passing of the constitutional and legislative amends should be done as a complete package, not separately”, Basha said.
The Democratic Party announcement doesn’t say anything about the stance of Americans about this proposition, which, at its best, might only postpone the passing of the reform for some months, until the 40 remaining laws pass.
Basha says the meeting with Nuland includes the warning of Mr.Rama for early elections if the justice reform doesn’t pass. Basha says this is only a bluff of Rama and that he has refused political dialogue for the past two weeks.
Basha says the USA are monitoring the justice reform process and the implementation of the decriminalization law. He adds that he received guarantees for support in organizing free and fair elections, which opposition leader Basha says are being hampered by Rama.
“Crime is his only hope to ruin the next elections. Free and fair elections are the only conditions, and part of this is the implementation of the decriminalization law, the justice reform and an interim government with the trust of the Albanian people and of the international community”. Basha said.
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