The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared in a press release that today’s protest was the voice of the people rising up against the robbery caused by this government through taxes.
“Edi Rama applied one of the highest fees in Europe on the Nation’s Road. He imposed that tax with the violence of Parliament votes, with the violence of the police, with the violence of the entire state, so that his oligarchs can fill their pockets with money. Today’s protest was a popular revolt against the injustice made to citizens. This is the people that Edi Rama has despised. This is the revolt that Edi Rama says it doesn’t exist. This is the people that Edi Rama called a people that don’t’ rise in protests. Citizens told Edi Rama to stop. On behalf of the Democratic Party and the united opposition, I demand Edi Rama to immediately remove the fee on the Nation’s road and stop the barbarian violence with the police against today’s protesters”, Basha said.
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