The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, said for “Der Standard”, – the
Austrian newspaper which said that Sali Berisha hides behind the
electoral boycott – that the Democratic Party doesn’t want to boycott
elections, but at the same time they will not be part of elections where
the result is decided through crime and drug.
When asked why did he refuse the offer for four technical ministers, the right to appoint police chiefs and the Central Election Commission, Basha explained that they refused because there wasn’t an offer for a technical government.
“You cannot fight drug money through technical ministers. We demanded for elections to be held with an electronic system. There are European firms which could realize this within a few weeks and everything could be organized by the end of October”, Basha said.
But what does Basha really want?
“The ties between crime and politics in Albania is special. The Parliament, municipalities and public administration institutions are being led by people who have never been part of politics. What unites them is the fact that they have been par of the European prisons for drug traffic, human traffic, arms traffic and murders. 95% of the people with a criminal past in our Parliament today and who lead municipalities come from northern Albania. Northern Catholics were our stronghold, but Rama recruited their scum to destroy our fortress. They are empowered and have appointed police chiefs to collect taxes”, Basha says.
The Democratic Party leader continues the interview by saying that they will not be there on June 18th, because Albanians are not free to vote, due to the high level of crime and drug. But Basha says that they can negotiate for the electoral crisis.
“It is important to have a free and fair electoral process. Our key request is to have a technical government based on a political agreement with a Prime Minister who is accepted by the Democratic Party. If there is a technical government, we can vote the Vetting Law”, Basha said.
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