Basha: “Rama will take 200 mln EUR with theater project. Corruption will face dynamite and bulldozers”

28/07/2018 18:43

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, reacted through a video on Facebook and said that the public territory of the National Theater will be stolen to build high-rise towers.

“Rama has no interest for a new theater without towers. The business with the National Theater gives them 200 million EUR in their pockets. It’s not for the theater, it’s for government luxury. Rama has spent enough money to build 5 national theaters”, Basha said.

“I understand artists who want a more comfortable theater. There are several options to build a new one. It could be done at the New Boulevard or at the Pyramid. The current theater could be restored and used for culture, but also as a unique heritage of Tirana”, Basha said.

“The warning against Edi Rama and his construction and drug mafia, will be formalized as a contract between the Democratic Party and the public. Any corruptive project will be facing dynamite and bulldozers”, Basha said.

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