Basha: Rama wants the reform to save Kokedhima”

10/05/2016 17:20

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, wrote on Facebook that PM Edi
Rama wants the justice reform to save Kokedhima and the other like him.

“Rama told us today, with video and audio, why he wants the justice reform. He wants it to save Kokedhima and others like him. He threatened judges who did not accept his pressure to defend Koco”, Basha said.

The Prime Minister had declared for Kokedhima’s removed mandate “I don’t comment court verdicts. I only want to underline my view, and that is that this verdict is one more reason to make a real justice reform”.

“This is his concept for the reform, to capture the justice system, keep law under his control, together with oligarchs like Koco and criminals like Shullazi, so that he can take his revenge against judges who dare punish his friends for flagrant abuses, as he did today with the Constitutional Court, who were openly threatened because they implemented the law, because they defended the public’s money. He make empty threats because of anger. The ‘Rama’ reform for capturing justice has failed against the democratic vision of the opposition and the serious involvement of the EU and USA, and the Venice Commission. The “Rama” reform for capturing justice has no more chances. The credibility for making a justice reform that punishes corruption and doesn’t defend it, belongs only to the Democratic Party, in cooperation with international partners. Albania is better without Edi Rama”, Basha wrote on Facebook.

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