Basha: “Rama made Albania a cannabis producer”

14/10/2016 00:00

The opposition leader accused the PM of architecting the planting of
cannabis throughout the country, and act that according to Basha was
undertaken after criminalizing the highest state structure.

“Edi Rama has planned it with the criminals he appointed in every state structure, but he didn’t care, because money and power are everything that matter for him. He doesn’t care that there is unemployment, poverty. If you are poor, you can be a slave in the drug farms of Rama and Tahiri”, Basha declared.

The opposition leader said that Edi Rama’s three year of governing were a failure.

“Agriculture investments are on the lowest spot for the past 20 years, because investments don’t go where citizens need them, but where Edi Rama can steal them easier”, the DP leader said.

Lulzim Basha says hid party will do everything possible to stop Edi Rama’s plan.

“Through crime, corruption and by making Albanians poorer, he thinks that he has lowered to price of a vote, and that he will destroy free and fair elections with dirty money”, he said.

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