Basha: Rama is breaking consensus

02/10/2013 00:00

The Democratic Party is preparing to take legal, political and public
action against the government’s decision to postpone the implementation
of the Civil Employee Law for six months.

The first action will be taken this Thursday in Parliament, where the opposition will express its opinion through a representative and then they will leave the Parliament. The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, gave no details after the meeting of the opposition, but he tried to show the opposition’s determination to react maybe even with protests.

“They are choosing to clash with the opposition and the wide public tomorrow. We have all the intellectual, political and human potentials to face with this thirst for conflict of Edi Rama and his collaborators. The Democrats and the opposition people are with us”, Basha declared.

Basha did not give any detail about the third step, but that is to challenge the government’s normative act at the Constitutional Court, since the opposition says that they cannot change a law of qualified majority, although the law can be voted in Parliament with a qualified majority of 84 Parliament Members.

“He’s here to provoke. He chose to make a conflict with the Constitution and the law”, Basha declared.

The opposition will later publish the details of this appeal at the Constitutional Court. This is a way to return the decision of the government and Parliament, since now that a Republican Parliament Member has passed at the majority, they have reached 84 seats, which is a parliamentary qualified majority.

“What they are doing with the consensus is a recreancy of cowards. I want to say to Mr.Rama and Mr.Meta something that I hope they will keep in mind. The legitimacy cannot be made with seats that they have bought, with votes that they have stolen or votes that they have trafficked. The legitimacy is always a right of the sovereign people, and tomorrow in Parliament we will vote this right as a decent and democratic opposition should”, Basha declared.

The opposition says that they are united in this decision, although they are less in numbers, now that the Republican Parliament Member, Luan Duzha, joined the majority by even avoiding contacts with Republican leader Fatmir Mediu.

“I couldn’t communicate with him because he doesn’t answer on the phone. The Parliament Member has made a written announcement for leaving the party and I have no idea why he is doing that, because our cooperation during all these years has been good”, Mediu declared, saying that the Parliament is turning into a bazaar.

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