Basha: “Rama defends person who caused death in Sharra”

18/10/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, accused PM Rama of defending
those who caused the death of 17-year-old Artid Gjoklaj. He met with the
structures of the Democratic Party, branch 6.

“This government has served only to its own interests. This Prime Minister has never thought about citizens, but only about his own pocket. There are many examples. You have the Gjoklaj family drama. There has been only silence after the tragic death of Ardit. They are only hiding those responsible. How is it possible that a man who claims he is building the rule of law, has the person who caused the death of a 17-year-old in an inauguration with his Parliament Members. This means staying silent about a crime. And this is a crime. Gjoklaj’s life has zero value for Edi Rama. Albanians have no value for Edi Rama. While criminals have more value, because they bring the money which he takes”, Basha said.

The opposition leader underlined that Edi Rama not only did not keep his promises, but also has deteriorated the economy, health, education, public order and safety.

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