Basha: “PM Rama destabilized the country”

08/05/2017 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared from the protest
tent that Prime Minister Rama was the one who destabilized the country
these past four years.

“Edi Rama’s plan is to go in these elections alone, with the coalition of charlatans, thieves and criminals who have governed Albania these past four years. Edi Rama speaks about a destabilization of Albania, but he destabilized the country with Parliament Members, Police Chiefs, Tax Directors who are criminals”, Basha said.

The DP leader added that in 2015, Rama delayed the decriminalization law in order to have Rroshi as a Mayor in Kavaja. When the OSCE-ODIHR told him that these elections destroyed the trust of Albanians in the electoral process, he filled Albanian with cannabis and manipulated the elections in Kolonja. He destroyed the economy, the health care, the education system, he has scared foreign investors away and made Albania poorer”, Basha said.

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