Basha: PG Arta Marku and Serious Crimes Court President must be arrested

22/08/2019 20:58

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, launched strong accusations against the Prosecutor General, Arta Marku, and the Serious Crimes Court President, Donika Prela, after they decided to transfer Case 184 to Dibra.

The DP leader demanded for them to be arrested on power abuse, comparing them to the Special Prosecutor of Northern Macedonia, Katica Janeva, who was arrested on suspicion for corruption.

As for the Vora Mayor, Basha said that Edi Rama is aware that his socialist candidate has been sentenced in a foreign country.

“Rama knows that he has had an open case with the Greek justice, because he was informed by the international partners, and yet he decided to have him run for Vora. How many others of these Mayors have been sentenced for crimes?”, Basha said.

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