Basha: “Our request will stop opening of negotiations”

08/11/2016 00:00

“We have only requested the fulfillment of the five EU criteria, the
implementation of decriminalization and the electoral reform”, said
Lulzim Basha after the opposition appealed the EU Commission and EU
Council to condition the EU accession negotiations for Albania with
three conditions.

“Everything else is an attempt of the majority to shift attention from cannabis, decriminalization and the electoral reform”, Basha said, adding that the stance of the DP will not hamper the negotiation process, as long as the dates depend on these three conditions.

DP member, Aldo Bumci, and also representative of the DP at the Parliamentary Commission of the Stabilization Association between Albania and the EU, asked the removal of a sentence from the draft, a sentence that expressed the good will of both parties for setting a date for starting the engotiations. Bumci then gave up from this and focused on the three conditions of the opposition.

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