On Top Channel’s Top Story, Lulzim Basha said that the “New Republic”
will be divided in two parties, a political and an economic one.
“There will be a deep amendment of the Constitution. In Albania we have lost the connection between citizens and power, and this has happened gradually. All political parties are responsible for this, especially the ones involved with the Constitutional amends of 2008. Based on these amends, MPs have no ties with citizens. All they need is to be in good terms with the party leader. MPs are elected to control the government, but with this system, the government controls them. We want to take the power back to its citizens”, Basha said.
For the opposition leader, this can be done through the American system “recall”, through which an MP can be discharged by the citizens of his area, through a referendum. This can also have a Prime Minister and Mayor removed.
Basha says that the fate of the Parliament is not tied to the fate of the Prime Minister through this system. “This Parliament cannot control the Prime Minister and the government”, Basha said. He also proposed a lower number of MPs, and a direct election for a majority system.
Basha says that Albanians will vote the program that is only based on the economy and its recover: “This is the political plan of the Democratic Party, drafted for two and a half years that have been very difficult for Albanians”, he said.
The Democratic Party leader said that this program was drafted by the best European experts.
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