The DP leader, Lulzim Basha, asked the new leaders of the DP that have
been elected so far and those who will be elected in the days to come by
the direct vote of their members, to start recovering their respective
branches as soon as possible, focusing on returning the citizens’ trust
to the Democratic Party.
“The leaders must guarantee determination and readiness to be dedicated and embrace our alternative, the unification and reunification of all historic contributions, the opening and recovering of the party, strong and determined oppos, and opposition with facts. The Albanian citizens know that we are the party, we have the good will, the trust, the energy and the capacities to return hope and trust to the citizens, and to lead our country once again into fulfilling the popular aspirations; for returning dignity, welfare, safety and integration”, Basha declared.
Bo considering every member as equal shareholder of the DP, Basha noted the importance of free votes in the election of new leaders, without being influenced by anyone.
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