Basha: “Investigation for high-school graduates”

09/09/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party candidate for Dibra, Sherefedin Shehu, met with
students and high-school graduates of Dibra, saying that the Minister of
Education should resign, and calling the education reform a scandal.

“They don’t care that in any other place, this scandal would have made the Education Minister to resign. We will take concrete steps for supporting you. We will take a group of MPs at the National Agency of Academic Testing to see what has happened. I have appealed the Supreme State Audit to start working immediately. I have appealed rectors of universities to not certify this crime. When we will be in power, we will give you the opportunity to study  in your city, the Peshkopia University Branch and anywhere else where there are universities. Every student will be able to study with an affordable fee, paid by the government for some cases. Everyone will have the right to study”, Basha declared.

The Mayor candidate, Sherefedin Shehu, said that the municipality under his direction will have a special fund for the youth, who will be a priority for the municipality works. Shehu said they will also establish a fund of Excellency and that they will support students who cannot afford public universities.

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