The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, invited Albanians to join the January 27th protest and bring an end to the double-standard governing which favors clients and gangs, and punishes citizens with taxes.
Basha said in Korca that the consequence of the vote purchase with drug money is the impoverishing of Albanians and insecurity for the future.
The opposition leader said that 50 million EUR of unpaid taxes that Rama’s friends owe to the government could have been used to pay young graduates with 30,000 ALL a month through internships.
Basha said that Rama is using double standards for businesses, zeroing taxes for 5-star hotels, which, according to Basha, will launder drug money for the government, but they increase prices with 20% on basic products such as bread, eggs, oil, etc.
Basha and Kryemadhi appealed citizens to join the January 27th protest against the bad governing.
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