The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, chose Kavaja to wish the Muslim believers a happy Bajram.
Kavaja has been part of political debates recently, after the Socialist led municipality demolished a monument that was built by the Democratic Party, and that was dedicated to democracy with a symbol of the DP, the two fingers.
“There you see the tomb of the prophet. Here is the tomb of communism. If you want, you can embrace the goodness of God everywhere. Our duty is to remove the evil and get closer to God”, Basha declared.
Considering this celebration as the day for reflection and solidarity among Albanians, Basha accused the government for creating more unemployment and poverty.
As for the demolishing of the monument, Basha promised in what he called “removing the past”, which, according to him, is represented by the current government.
“The evil has short hands, and a short time. Kavaja, this city of tradition and good virtues led the Albanian citizens in the path of liberation from the worst regime that we had ever known. With the youth of Kavaja, the free Albanians, from the right and left wings of Albania, we will remove the evil once again. We will archive it in the past and we will embrace the future”, Basha declared.
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