Basha in Durres: “Rama, biggest drama of Albania”

01/12/2015 14:30

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, visited Durres for the race
of the DP youth forum. He said that this race is not to increase the
number of people in it, but to pass the relay.

Basha accused PM Rama of becoming the most painful drama for Durres and all Albania. Basha said that his crime has penetrated everywhere, and that Mayor Vangjush Dako is the one leading it in Durres.

“Under the threat of a new type of dictatorship that today is vested with power, has entered the Parliament and Municipalities, a crime which influences what decisions will be taken or not. Vangjush Dako has been taken by crime and has been forced to cancel an older corruptive decision to sign another corruptive decision. Here in Durres crime is one with the power. It is terrorizing the citizens. They decide who can operate in economy and in which sector. They kill and destroy everywhere they see something that can be robbed. They do this without fear. Edi Rama is the biggest drama for Durres and akll Albania. He came to power with a festival of promises, part of which mirrored the concerns of our citizens. Where are we today? Where is Albania? The mega-scandals are showing up each day. Promises have been forgotten. Rather than being busy with promises, we are busy with misdeeds of this government”, Basha declared.

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