Almost a year after resigning from the MP mandates, head of opposition DP Lulzim Basha warned the majority that he would address again the people if the government pursues the path of lawlessness.
The chief democrat’s threat came after the rejection by the Socialists of the caretaker government and early elections.
“Should the other party continue to illegally use its unlawful power, the dirty money of organized crime, and impose its own interests instead of those of the Albanian people, then the opposition along with the citizens, will make decisions appropriate to a European society, by conftonting a handful of people who have taken the country hostage.
Basha lined up with President Ilir Meta when asked about the majority’s initiative for the President’s dismissal, after the meeting with the Venice Commission delegation.
“Albania is in a deep constitutional and political crisis. The best illustration of this in recent weeks is the perverse movements of a government that does not even wait for Venice Commission’s opinion, but is trying to quickly adopt in an illegitimate Assembly, measures that strengthen state capture”, stated the DP head among other things.
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