The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, greeted the report published
by the Albanian Helsinki Committee at the US Congress regarding the
electoral situation in Albania.
Basha said that the report notes the current electoral problems, which, according to him, have been reported by the opposition.
“I want to applaud the declaration of the Helsinki Committee at the US Congress. IT says that the Albanian citizens must vote in a clear process, without threats and manipulations. Unfortunately, these problems are present in Albania, according to the report”, Basha declared.
According to him, this declaration raises the concerns that the DP has made clear during the campaigj , including that of using the public administration for the Prime Minister’s interests.
“The usage of the public administration has been proven in dozens of cases. Employees risk their jobs for the votes. It has been proven by the massive presence in electoral meetings and their absence in institutions. This is proven by dozens of meetings in which they have distributed property titles”, Basha declared.
According to Basha, it has also been proven that the police has been supporting the candidates of the majority and have neglected the cases of violence against the opposition’s candidates.
“Such is the case of Sukth. While Rama and Meta were holding their conference today, gangs in Vore have threatened our electoral headquarters. They were told to leave or they would open fire. This gang has been present in Vora for 72 hours. The police observes these individuals and does not intervene. The police is being misused, because Rama has appointed people with criminal records in these elections, such as the Klos police. Ilir Meta has ordered the Special Forces to intervene in Shkdoer and Bulqiza, because gangs were apparently not enough. Yesterday, in Elbasan, a notorious criminal was brought from Great Britain and has terrorized a Roma neighborhood”, Basha declared.
The DP leader accused the candidate fo the majority for Tirana, Erion Veliaj, of not justifying the millions of Euros that he is spending in the campaign and is avoiding transparency. Basha appealed the Albanian voters to gather on June 21st to “bring down the transition wall of oligarchy and of wolves who are masked as sheep”.
When asked by Top Channel who are the opposition candidates that have been threatened, as the DP leader claims, Basha answered by saying: “It is all registered. The international community has them registered. Rama and Meta will not be allowed to carry out their plans”.
Basha expressed his conviction that despite the “putinian” purposes of the Rama-Meta duo, as he called them, for undoing the democratic standards and the freedom that Albanians have gaiend with so much hard work, the Albanian people will say “no” to their policies. He underlined that the international partners, led by US, are supporting the DP.
“They will not make it. We have the US Congress by our side, their standards, not Putin’s standards. We have most of the Albanian people by our side, who will not let go of democracy. Hundreds and thousands of DP members, dozens and thousands of commissioners, voters and supporters, will support you on the great day of the sovereign, on June 21st when the Albanian people will decide with their vote. Don’t give the local government to oligarchy. Our challenge is huge. The ideal is that of the free vote. Together we will break the walls of oligarchy, pressure and tyranny. This will atke place on June 21st”, Basha declared.
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