The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared that the only final cure for the country is removing Edi Rama from power.
“On November 14th, when the scandal of former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri was at its peak, we witnessed a cruel show of Edi Rama with a 12-year-old girl suffering from diabetes. He promised to Damiana Bakiu and to 1500 other families whose children suffer from diabetes that they would have the diabetes sticks reimbursed in January 2018. We are in January, but Edi Rama’s government has not approved the list of reimbursable medicaments for 2017. Damiana and 1500 other sick children will keep buying diabetes sticks, 10,000 ALL every month, because the clans of the billionaire drug market of Edi Rama have not yet agreed how to share their profits”, Basha said.
The DP leader added that the diabetes children are not the only ones who have been lied to by Edi Rama. During the electoral campaign, according to Basha, Rama promised that thousands of citizens would benefit from 30 new medicaments that would be added to the reimbursement list, but dozens of thousands of Albanians are being kept hostage by the business affairs of Rama’s clients, according to Basha.
“For the past three years, women who do mammography at the public ambulatory services have not received answers because the service will be given in concession to public-private partnerships. Until Rama takes a decision for this, many women may die by the lack of a basic answer, if they have cancer or not”, Basha declared.
He added that the situation will not get better, since the health of Albanian citizens is not a priority of Edi Rama or of hospital directors.
“The Democratic Party has facts that militants of the Socialist Party have been appointed as directors of regional hospitals, whose main interest is to serve the party and not citizens. 530 doctors and 848 nurses have left the country in the past three years, looking for better jobs abroad. The healthcare situation was critical during the ruling of the Democratic Party as well, but we didn’t choose concessionary companies before Albanians. The exodus of doctors at that time was unimaginable. This year, the government has foreseen to pay 4 clients of Edi Rama with 40 million EUR. This would be enough to cover the needs for medicaments in every Albanian hospital, but the Prime Minister of drug money and of bought votes will not do this because he never answers for his acts. This is why it is a duty of each of us to not expect for God to help us, but to stop Edi Rama from damaging our health. The only final cure for the country is having him removed from power”, Basha said.
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