Basha: “Facts about Rama’s criminalization of public administration”

08/10/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, held a meeting with DP
leaders in Puka. Basha said Puka is one of the areas that has suffered
more from the Rama government, after he failed to keep promises,
increased unemployment and immigration. “In three years, Rama proved to
be the man who wants power for himself and his friends, leaving drugs
and emigration to citizens as the only alternative”.

“Albania had the misfortune to witness how this government coalition has thought only for himself and their own pockets, from day one. A government that came with the promise to employ 300.000 people has caused 100.000 emigrants.  A PM who promised free health care brought the health system to its worst and medieval situation. A PM who promise public security has increased the number of crime, drug, murders, and is unable to show a concrete work for its citizens”, Basha declared.

Some citizens reported that hundreds of hectares are planted with cannabis and are being protected by the police and the local government. DP leader says that in 17% of the territory, the cultivation of cannabis has been increased five times for one year.

“Edi Rama speaks for hours but he says nothing about the crime that took five lives in two days, while he was boasting for achievements”, Basha declared.

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