The DP leader, Lulzim Basha, said that the DP makes no coalitin for
posts, but it is ready to battle the crime and corruption without
As for the economic situation, Basha declared that the numbers show that 134 million USD are missing from the customs, but PM Edi Rama is silent because he has made agreements with smugglers.
Basha says that now Rama will attack honest businessmen for these revenues and will not touch smugglers.
The DP leader said that 7000 asylum seekers applied in Germany un July only, because Rama promised 300.000 new jobs but today he stays silent when he sees people leaving the country.
The opposition leader introduced the platform of his party to leave the crisis: “Our alternative is a complete platform to bring the country out of the crisis, starting with a national salvation emergency package, based on a transparent economy and not on an economy of smuggling. We will impose the lowest taxes on Balkan, will leave behind the highest oil prices in Balkan and will reduce the energy price”.
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