The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, spoke in Strasbourg about the
concerns of the Albanian opposition regarding the political situation
in our country, and underlined the necessity of the decriminalization
He was invited by the Pan-European Group of the European Parliament in the conference “the Undoing of Democratic Standards and the Challenges of Albania for European Integration”.
“The scandal within the majority, with the Parliament Speaker being accused for ordering the assassination of two Parliament Members, remained in attempt, while the Prime Minister and Interior Minister have tried to hide this fact, has caused a deep shock in the institutions of the European Union. The European Parliament was engaged to help with the decriminalization, and today, in Strasbourg, in presence of these institutions, it was underlined that the need for the decriminalization of the Albanian politics is more acute than ever. This unprecedented cimate with the crime penetrating the government leaders is very concerning, but on the other hand it is a good opportunity, according to the co-speakers, to make a deep cleaning of the Albanian politics and its ties with the crime. I have fou9nd full support for the initiative of the Democratic Party for the decriminalization of the Albanian policy, for the alliance with the Albanian citizens and for giving a strong message to the Rama-Meta government, that this is not the way to go”, declared the DP leader, Lulzim Basha.
Basha shared these concerns in the meetings held with the Commissioner for European Neighboring Politics and Enlargement Negotiations, Johanes Hahn, and the European MPs of the biggest parliamentary groups in the EP.
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