Basha: “Deligitimized Parliment. Will hit back with facts”

26/10/2016 00:00

The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, declared that in today’s meeting of
the Democratic Party Parliamentary Group, they discussed all possible
ways to oppose what he called “narco-traffic government”, adding that
the opposition sees the Parliament as delegitimized.

Basha said that decriminalization, war against drug traffic, free elections and reporting of economic misery and education reform are the points of debate that the Parliament Members will follow.

“The international partners are clear about the situation of the drug traffic in Albania. There can be no free and fair elections with Edi Rama. The Republic of Albania has turned into a narco-republic. Not a single person has been punished with decriminalization”, Basha said, adding they will hit the government with facts.

“Together with our citizens we will decide in which form shall we face this government. A joint operation of most of the Albanian people can only be crowned with success, if Edi Rama is removed”, he said, commenting also the verdict of the Constitutional Court for the Vetting Law, saying it did not allow Edi Rama to decide which prosecutor and judge is criminalized.

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