The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared in the Parliamentary
Group meeting of his party that the opposition will monitor the
economic situation in our country, which, according to him, with the
recent Normative Act for changing the budget is going towards recession.
“The Albanian people understood that their government decided to take as loan what they are planning to lose through the tax collection. They decided to double the debts of the state cinances. This has never happened and no Prime Minister has dared to undertake this step. It is the first time that a government stops doing one of its basic duties, collecting the revenues. It is the first time that the government plans in cold blood a failure of this proportion, which will coincide immediately with the reviewing and revoking of their mandate. This is the path towards crisis. We say it very clearly. How is it possible that in the last trimester, the new government plans to collect four times less revenues than the previous government. Where will this money go, that will be missing from the state budget? Where will 60 million USD go each month, that will not enter the public’s budget? It is our duty as an opposition to give the accurate answer to this basic question”, Basha declared.
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