Basha: Conditions for returning in Parliament

02/09/2014 00:00

The Democrats believe that the ruling party has deteriorated the
political situation by rejecting without arguments the Presidential
decrees. Lulzim Basha believes that this would be a chance for the
majority to reflect about the rule of law.

“But they chose to not do this, because they are blinded by the delirium of Edi Rama to rule the country without an opposition, or for an opposition that is there just as decoration. The Prime Minister, the man whose duty is to protect the people and to make the parliamentary life to progress, is today the destructor of this parliamentary life. There is no parliamentary life today in Albania, but just an oligarchy that doesn’t want a Parliament and an opposition”, Basha declared.

The Republic leader, Fatmir Mediu, condemned the situation too.

“It is shameful that the Prime Minister tries to create informal oppositions, just to create the idea that there are other stances here. But the opposition’s role cannot be decided by the Prime Minister”, Mediu declared.

After a long meeting, the opposition decided to continue the today’s agenda to review the laws, but through working groups outside the Parliament.  Basha said that this is the most responsible stance for the opposition, for as long that the majority leaders, Rama and Meta, deny their constitutional right to establish commission and do not implement the Constitutional Court verdicts.

“What is the opposition’s role in this Parliament? To be present in the photo shoots of these oligarchs, so that the world can see that there is a parliamentary life here? There is no Parliamentary life when the Prime Minister moves away two Socialist ladies to take in Parliament someone who has been accused of prostitution and kidnapping, with the only purpose to use him as a fighter against the free speech and against the opposition every time that the opposition reports it with true facts and arguments. The Prime Minister doesn’t take any responsibility, he says nothing”, Basha declared.

None of the allies preferred to discuss when the opposition might return in Parliament, but they say that their conditions have been clear.

“I don’t think that this is an issue that needs a date. This is the time when we need to set a goal”, Mediu declared.

“Parliamentary life can be brought back with a real opposition and not just a façade. It will be returned when the majority will accept the rules of the Constitution, the regulation of the Parliament, and doesn’t kick away the opposition’s rights without accepting the Constitutional Court verdicts, and doesn’t violate the free speech of the opposition”, Basha declared.

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