Basha at the EPP denounces government: “Send your teams”

21/10/2015 19:40

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, was present at the Congress
of Popular Parties that is being held in Madrid. Basha declared that the
situation in Albania is very serious.

“The Albanian people are facing an extraordinary situation. Drug lords, people convicted for human traffic and money laundering are controlling the Parliament and the Government. The public property and public funds have been systematically occupied by these individuals, who have been appointed by the current Prime Minister as Parliament Members, Mayors and high public officials”, Basha declared.

Basha reminded the agreements signed with the government through mediation of the international community, about the decriminalization.

“Unfortunately, the government has hampered the implementation of this agreement and has deteriorated the problem by adding more people with criminal precedents for Mayors and dozens of others in key positions. The crime’s grip in the government has damaged democracy and the rule of law, causing extreme consequences to the citizens”, Basha declared.

Basha mentioned the asylum seekers, saying they show how the situation has deteriorated. Basha appealed the EPP to send their teams in Albania to see the real cause of this situation, which Basha sees as unprecedented.

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