Basha: “Arrest operation compromised by Xhafaj. Rama must go”

24/11/2017 13:35

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, said that the arrest operation for one of the Vlore Police leaders was compromised by the Interior Minister, Fatmir Xhafaj, by order of Edi Rama.

“Rama cannot allow the arrest of people who might incriminate his for the cooperation with Saimir Tahiri. The State Police and the Ministry have all operated like a gang organization”, Basha said.

He added that the fight against organized crime and decriminalization of the government is a national emergency. For Basha, the first step is having Edi Rama out of the government.

“The situation is alarming. The first action is to carry out the investigation that involves police leaders with the crime traffic. Arresting Saimir Tahiri is the preface of the real operation for cleaning politics from crime”, Basha said.

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