The Democratic Party is holding its National Assembly, the highest
decision-making forum that will approve the changes of the statute and
will appoint the National Council.
Mayor Lulzim Basha spoke in front of the delegates from the entire country about the history of the DP and about the loss of the June 23rd elections. He apologized, but he also criticized former ministers and former leaders of the DP, who created a distance from the electorate, which, according to Basha, brought the loss of one year ago.
“I apologize to the Albanian people who might have felt abandoned and had reason to feel disappointed for their expectances. I want to guarantee you for my commitment, determination and dedication for correcting the problems after the analyze that we made”, Basha declared.
The DP leader underlined that essential for the loss is the distance created with the citizens and the basis of the party.
“Some of our representatives got tired by governing. Some saw themselves as too important to hear citizens and take care of their problems or work in electoral campaigns. The government invested for big works, but some of our representatives took everything for granted. Some forgot that between those works and the citizens with their personal problems there is a wide space where our representatives should have served with dedication, and where the democratic leadership should always be there where life is, where the problems are. They should have been more closer to unemployment, poverty, floods, catastrophes, social differences, domestic violence, etc”, Basha declared.
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