Basha: Agreement with CEZ and DIA scandal are connected

30/09/2015 13:45

The CEZ affair was the key word of a long speech held by the opposition
leader, Lulzim Basha, when he accused the Rama-Meta ruling coalition of
making the people lose 600 million EUR through the CEZ trial.

Basha said that the government stopped any trial against Hajsek and others, although they were sued by the Berisha government.

“There are people who think that CEZ and DIA are two different things. But they are part of a single scandal. The connection is the government law for stopping any investigation that has taken place during the stay of CEZ in Albania, and the voting in silence”, Basha declared.

According to the opposition leader, there are 350 million EUR of bills that CEZ has not paid to the Albanian energy institutions, which this government gave away through an agreement with the Czech company, including 15 million EUR of tax obligations.

Rama and Meta not only gave it to CEZ, but they even paid them another 95 million EUR, basha added.

According to the opposition leader, this is the truth of what he calls the corruptive scandal of the century. Basha appealed the Parliament to vote their initiative for an international investigation and mentioned another initiative, that of repealing the law at the Constitutional Court.

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